The Art Of Calamity
Art book dedicated to Calamity, a film by Rémi Chayé
an artbook
about Calamity
“After 5 years of development and production, Calamity, A Childhood of Martha Jane Cannary, a new movie by Rémi Chayé, is coming to French theaters on October 14.
On this occasion, the whole team collected their sketches, color explorations, completed shots, and called up Carine Baudet (Graphic designer) and Caroline Vié (film journalist) to share their work in a beautiful book : The Art Of Calamity.
We shared with you the first 33 pages during Annecy Film Festival (available here), and we’d like to thank you for the warm welcome you’ve given this snippet !
Faced with such good reception, we decided to change our initial plan - publish the book as an e-book - and looked into making it a hard copy.”